
Use Tailwind to Promote your Content on Pinterest 

 March 7, 2021

By  James Rose

If you have a business blog, driving traffic is probably your #1 issue (after creating content, that is!).

A good SEO strategy is a major component to getting more website visitors, but it takes time. And competing with bigger, more established businesses can be tough.

Many bloggers rely on Pinterest to drive more traffic to their blogs. This is still a good strategy, but it has grown increasingly competitive. To see the best results, you need to pin extremely frequently. Some of the most successful bloggers are pinning 4-5 times per day. Who has time for that??

Here’s the secret — most of those bloggers are not pinning manually on a daily basis. Instead, they use a tool like Tailwind to schedule pins in advance and set up automations. Tailwind is a scheduling app for both Pinterest and Instagram. But it has functionality way beyond a simple scheduling tool.

They claim that their users see an average of:

  • 9x more repins
  • 7x more followers added
  • 2x more pins published

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of Tailwind’s best features, so you can decide if you want to give it a try.

Tailwind Pinterest Scheduler

Tailwind Pinterest Scheduler

First and foremost, Tailwind is an easy-to-use Pinterest scheduler. Unlike Pinterest’s internal scheduler, Tailwind will set up a “queue” for you with its suggested optimal times to pin. These times are custom designed for you, based on the topics you pin about and when your audience is most engaged. You can use the pre-set times and/or create your own.

Tailwind also has a simple drag-and-drop interface that lets you move pins around your queue with one click.

You can schedule repins, too, from right inside Pinterest. Just hover over the image you want to repin, and click the Tailwind icon at the top. This will open a pop-up window that will let you add the repin to your queue or set a custom time.

These tools let you fill your scheduler with content in record time, instead of creating pins and repins on a daily basis.


Smartloop is another handy tool inside Tailwind

Smartloop is another handy tool inside Tailwind. It lets you set up an automatic “loop” of pins, repinning your most popular content at regular intervals to the boards you select. You can make your loop Evergreen (aka all year long) or Seasonal (great for holiday-based content).

Each loop should be themed, to keep them organized. So a marketing blog, for example, might do one loop for social media marketing. Then, they’ll pick their top social media marketing pins  to add to the loop.

You’ll also have to select which boards you want your loop to pin to. Pinterest best practices suggest that you only repin the same image to the same board 2-3 times per year. Loops default to a setting that prevents repinning to the same board within five months. This will prevent you over-pinning to the same board and being seen as “spammy” to Pinterest.

Browser Extension

Similar to Pinterest’s browser extension, Tailwind has its own extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. This tool lets you schedule pins from anywhere online through Tailwind.

When you find an image you want to pin, hover over it and click the “Schedule” button in the bottom left corner. If you want to pin multiple images, click on the Tailwind icon next to the browser search bar to pull up every image on the page. Select all the images you want and click “Go schedule!”.

This will add the selected images to the Drafts in your Tailwind dashboard. From there, you can select board(s) for the pins, write captions, and schedule them. Make multiple pins at once for easy scheduling.

Tailwind Tribes

Tailwind’s scheduling capabilities make it easy to post frequently and consistently

While Tailwind’s scheduling capabilities make it easy to post frequently and consistently, their Tribes* focus on finding new followers in your industry and growing your reach. Tribes are niche groups of pinners that appear in your Tailwind dashboard, making it easier for you to find relevant content to share on your boards.

In turn, you can add your content to the Tribe, so your pins will be repinned by your peers.

Each Tribe has its own rules, which may include what kind of content you can share, and how often you are required to repin other members’ content. The idea is to build an active community, so users are discouraged from just dropping their own content and running. If you don’t repin other members’ content enough, you may be removed from the Tribe.

Try it Out

If all of this sounds confusing, Tailwind has great tutorial videos right inside your dashboard to walk you through each step.

Plus, you can sample Tailwind with a free trial. The free version lets you post up to 100 total Pins, join 5 Tribes, and access reporting and analytics. After you’ve used up your Pin allotment, the service is $9.99 per month.

As all content marketers know, one of the hardest parts is finding the time to create and share enough content. Tailwind is an excellent tool that makes Pinterest easier and more streamlined while improving your reach.

With the free trial option, it’s definitely a strategy that you should try.

*Tailwind has announced that Tribes will be renamed by the end of 2020.

James Rose

Way back in the early day’s of the World Wide Web, James became fascinated with writing and building web sites. Before the days of editors and content management systems like WordPress, James was writing html by hand using a good old fashioned text editor. Times may have changed and technologies have improved, but one thing that hasn’t changed is James’ love of creating beautiful and functional websites. James focuses on creating awesome sites that rank high in search results and deliver qualified visitors ready to buy!

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