
Using Social Marketing to Expand Your Brand 

 June 18, 2018

By  James Rose

When you are seeking to get the word out on your business’s brand, social marketing is truly the way to go. The truth of the matter is that more and more companies are recognizing this everyday and you certainly do not want to be left in the dust by those you are in competition with. All reports coming out these days are clearly showing that by 2020, marketing budgets that are allocated to social network advertising are at the least going to double. To help you ride the social wave until then, take a look at these great social marketing suggestions.

Social Marketing for Your Brand

It is asked by many just how much of an investment return they can expect from social network marketing. The truth of the matter is that for those willing to take the risk, the return can in fact be quite substantial. The social network space is still in the early stages of evolving and those willing to experiment in this evolution are continuing to reap growing rewards from their network marketing efforts. One of the outstanding benefits of social marketing is that the innovation cycle is so fast that results in almost real time are gained and that is so encouraging to realize.

New Customers Through Social Marketing

One of the great way for you to gain new customers, should your goal be product sales or lead generation, is to run contests. You will be in plenty of company doing so as more than three million different brands have gone this route. Getting clients to share by offering an incentive greatly enhances the chances of the offer going viral. As an incentive for product offerings, you can utilize free products or product discounts. In the case of services, you can consider some sort of social recognition, or perhaps a discounted package. One of the great ways to obtain outstanding content demonstrating social proof for your brand is to have fans entering a contest generate their own content promoting your brand or service.

You may want to consider spending some money on paid social media ads, if you are seeking to build your Facebook page or expand your audience. It is not a great secret that over the past several years, the organic reach for Facebook has decreased. The truth of the matter is that you are going to have to consider spending some money on paid ads if you truly want to expand your audience. On social media ads in the year 2015, over $8.3 billion dollars was spent!

The great news regarding social media marketing is that it can be specifically targeted, unlike traditional marketing. On networks such as Facebook, this is particularly true, as they collect all types of data in regard to a person’s interests. They also purchase data from other vendors that attempts to match to various users in their database. What this does is allow you to target ads to those with an ongoing history of purchasing things online and this will assist in your generating a higher return on your money invested.

The bottom line here is that your keeping on top of social marketing trends will bring you great returns for your investments and truly leave the competition lagging behind!

James Rose

Way back in the early day’s of the World Wide Web, James became fascinated with writing and building web sites. Before the days of editors and content management systems like WordPress, James was writing html by hand using a good old fashioned text editor. Times may have changed and technologies have improved, but one thing that hasn’t changed is James’ love of creating beautiful and functional websites. James focuses on creating awesome sites that rank high in search results and deliver qualified visitors ready to buy!

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